By: Lake Forest Staff
Try This New Family Tradition
Think about a pre-meal physical activity the whole family can get behind annually, even the little ones: a family kickball tournament, neighborhood volleyball game or a short hike.
Plug Your Ears
Don’t let fireworks, marching bands or rock concerts ruin your ears! Invest in a pair of throwaway or reusable earplugs. Ear protection is advised for activities that are over 85 decibels (e.g., heavy traffic, sports crowd).
Make the Grill Sparkle
Wipe your grill of any visible debris. Then, turn up the heat for a short while in order to burn any leftover bacteria or germs.
Play Bartender
We all know soda is filled with tons of sugar. Instead, create refreshing and lighter beverages for your party guests such as agave nectar sweet tea or sparkling cucumber water.
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