CLICK HERE for the Warm Water & Lap Pool Schedule CLICK HERE for the Group Exercise Land Schedule effective Friday, November 1 CLICK HERE for the Thanksgiving Holiday Land Group Exercise Schedule CLICK HERE for the Thanksgiving Holiday Aquatic Schedule CLICK HERE for the Group Exercise Substitute Schedule 11/18 - 11/24

Pilates Mat-Based

Mind/Body Studio

A series of mind-body exercises evolving from the principles of Joseph Pilates.  Class increases core strength, balance and flexibility.


Yin Yoga

Mind/Body Studio

Class begins with a 15 min. gentle Hatha (movement) yoga warm up seated on the mat.  Then move to the Yin portion where the focus is on stretching deep connective […]


Yin Yoga

Mind/Body Studio

Class begins with a 15 min. gentle Hatha (movement) yoga warm up seated on the mat.  Then move to the Yin portion where the focus is on stretching deep connective […]


Yin Yoga

Mind/Body Studio

Class begins with a 15 min. gentle Hatha (movement) yoga warm up seated on the mat.  Then move to the Yin portion where the focus is on stretching deep connective […]


Yoga Tuneup

Mind/Body Studio

A therapeutic class using therapy balls and other props to relieve aches and pains while improving posture and performance.

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