CLICK HERE for the Warm Water & Lap Pool Schedule Click here for the Group Exercise Land Schedule effective Monday, March 25 CLICK HERE for the Group Exercise Substitute Schedule 4/29 - 5/5 CLICK HERE for the Group Exercise Substitute Schedule 5/6 - 5/12


Cycle and Strength

Cycle Studio

Work your heart and your upper body! Challenge yourself with 60-minutes of cycling, plus 15-minutes of targeted exercises to shape your upper body.


Just Barre

Mind/Body Studio

This class combines isometrics, dance conditioning and interval training to quickly sculpt and tone your muscles.  This is a targeted workout designed to flatten the abdominal area, lift the buttocks and increase muscle definition in the upper body.


Aqua Arthritis

Warm Water Pool

Arthritis Foundation Aquatic Program (AFAP) classes will help you to increase joint range of motion, build muscle strength as well as help reduce pain and stiffness.  Classes are held in the warm water therapy pool and in sessions.  Registration is required.

Body Pump

Main Studio

This class combines moderate weights with high repetition for a total-body workout. Participants will use a combination of free weights and a barbell to strengthen their major muscle groups.


Restorative Yoga

Mind/Body Studio

This class is slow and meditative, linking slower movements, alignment and breath work. Each pose (asana) is held comfortably and longer than other yoga classes. Class is ideal for beginners or those returning to exercise.


Aqua Arthritis

Warm Water Pool

Arthritis Foundation Aquatic Program (AFAP) classes will help you to increase joint range of motion, build muscle strength as well as help reduce pain and stiffness.  Classes are held in the warm water therapy pool and in sessions.  Registration is required.


Yoga Tune Up

Mind/Body Studio

A therapeutic class using therapy balls and other props to relieve aches and pains while improving posture and performance.

Barre Fusion

Main Studio

This class combines isometrics, dance conditioning and interval training to quickly sculpt and tone your abdominal muscles, lift the buttocks and increase muscle definition in the upper body.



Cycle Studio

A cardio workout on a stationary bike.  Cycle classes are technique based and/or terrain based.  Focus on cadence, heart rate zones, climbs and sprints.

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